Monday, April 9, 2012

GCB.....Do you watch it? Have you seen it? I LOVE IT!

I LOVE the new show on ABC called GCB! If you don't know it stands for Good Christian B*****S. It's based on a book by the same name and made by the guys that did Steel Magnolias and Sex & the City, and it's based around well.. good Christian... well, women. I find it hilarious! I was thinking that some Christians might find it offensive but I think we take ourselves too seriously sometimes. I grew up in an Independant Fundamental Baptist Church that was really more like a cult. It was extremely strict, no pants, no movies, no dancing etc, etc, etc until my parents came to their senses when I was around 17 years old. I still go to an Independant Fundamental Baptist Church, my core beliefs on God, Jesus and Salvation have never changed but I have now researched most things and determined what I actually believe according to the Holy Bible not according to what one man is telling me to believe. Even though I have not found anywhere in the Bible where it specifically states what you should wear to church, I still do have a hard time wearing pants to Sunday morning service. I know it's crazy! This year after we moved to Iowa was the first time I ever wore pants to church and that was just because it was like 50 below zero with the wind chill and I might have lost a limb had I worn a skirt to the morning service. Even so, walking in, I still felt somehow guilty about it! It's so weird how that has stayed in my mind all these years. My mother and grandmother still will not wear pants to church and actually they attend churches in Ohio were pants-wearing is frowned upon. Not out loud of course, but with judgemental disapproving glances. Well, I just about fell off the couch when I was watching my DVR'd episode of GCB and they were addressing the very same issue!!! Amanda had worn dress slacks to church!!! How terribly sinful of her!! Yet another case of art imitating life! So this makes me think that whoever wrote the book that this series is based on must have been a church going Chrisitian. I can't wait to see what other issues they bring up next! I must get this book and do further research!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds funny! I can definitely relate to some of those issues!

    We don't have cable, and don't get ABC either, but I might try to look it up on NetFlix to see if it's made its way there yet.


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